Upgrade to a full Membership

Join and get the full program while supporting the project for future generations.

Sign up for a paid membership to enjoy all the benefits of Meals For Longevity

MFL Basic Membership
Every month

As a Meal of Longevity Member, you gain access to a wealth of resources and exclusive content tailored to your interests. Here below are some examples of the benefits you will receive.

✓ Unlimited. download of the Che's e-recipes
✓ Unlimited use of the DIY Meal Plan Builder ™
✓ Behind-the-scenes content
✓ Download of the 5 Meals Weekly Menus Suggestions
✓ Discounts on to-go meals for pickup and affiliate products
Meals For Longevity Membership
Every 6 months

Join and get the full program while supporting the project for future generations. Includes •six months of the standard monthly subscription ($59.94 value) + learn the basic of cooking at home and choose your favorite Mediterranean Diet recipe from the video library and cook along with the Chef, + enjoy Chef Giuseppe's informative and entertaining 7-minute lecture as he shop, +participate in a 30-minute Mediterranean Diet cooking video workshop led by Chef Giuseppe every month.

✓ Includes six months of the standard monthly subscription
✓ Chef Giuseppe’s video series on cooking fundamentals
✓ Chef Giuseppe’s video recipes
✓ Chef Giuseppe’s weekly Audio Podcast
✓ Chef Giuseppe’s monthly video Cooking Class