The New Modern Mediterranean Diet Food Pyramid

Everything is in moderation! Is this the secret to longevity?

Introduction: The New Modern Mediterranean Diet Italian Pyramid represents a contemporary approach to healthy eating, drawing from the dietary traditions of Mediterranean countries. This pyramid serves as a comprehensive visual guide for individuals seeking to adopt a balanced and nutritious diet rooted in cultural heritage and scientific principles.

Constructed upon shared dietary principles prevalent in UNESCO-recognized Mediterranean countries—Cyprus, Croatia, Spain, Greece, Italy, Morocco, and Portugal—the New Modern Mediterranean Diet Italian Pyramid considers distinctive foods, geography, socio-cultural contexts, and evolving dietary habits. This adaptable approach makes it applicable worldwide.

Combining the primary 2020 Updated Mediterranean Diet, the 2014 reference nutrient and energy intakes (LARN) for the Italian population, and the 2018 Italian Dietary Guidelines, the New Modern Italian Food Pyramid incorporates 13 directives for a healthy diet. The updated 2023 MedDiet 4.0 framework further extends the Mediterranean Diet's applications globally, envisioning positive impacts on individuals, communities, and future generations.

Our DIY Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan Builder™ with chef e-recipes combines science and cooking art to bring The New Modern Mediterranean Diet to your table!

Did you know the Mediterranean DIet has the same core elements as the Healthy U.S. Style Dietary Pattern?

Learn how the MedDiet 4.0 applies to you and to future generations

Key Components: The pyramid encompasses a diverse array of food groups, each selected for its nutritional value and health benefits. These include:

  • Cereals: Emphasizing whole grains such as bread, pasta, rice, and couscous, providing essential carbohydrates and fiber.

  • Vegetables and Fruits: Encouraging the consumption of a variety of colorful and seasonal vegetables and fruits, rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

  • Olive Oil: Serving as the primary source of dietary fats for cooking, seasoning, and dressing, rich in monounsaturated fats and polyphenols.

  • Wine: In moderation, particularly during meals, offering potential cardiovascular benefits and contributing to the social and cultural aspects of dining.

  • Dairy Products, Nuts, and Seeds: Providing sources of calcium, protein, and healthy fats, promoting bone health and satiety.

  • Legumes: Including beans, lentils, and chickpeas, serving as plant-based protein sources and excellent sources of fiber.

  • Meats, Seafood, and Eggs: Offering protein-rich options, with an emphasis on lean proteins such as fish and poultry.

  • Sweets and Occasional Indulgences: Allowing for occasional consumption of sweets and alcoholic beverages, emphasizing moderation and balance.

Daily Guidelines: Daily dietary guidelines emphasize the importance of hydration, whole grains, abundant vegetables and fruits, moderate olive oil consumption, and the inclusion of dairy, nuts, seeds, and legumes. These recommendations form the foundation of a balanced and nutrient-rich diet, supporting overall health and well-being.

Weekly Guidelines: Weekly consumption recommendations provide guidance on incorporating a variety of proteins, including red meat, white meat, seafood, and eggs, into the diet. By diversifying protein sources throughout the week, individuals can optimize their nutrient intake and promote dietary diversity.

Occasional Indulgences: Occasional indulgences, such as sweets and alcoholic beverages, are permitted in moderation. However, it is essential to consume these treats mindfully and in small amounts, recognizing their role as occasional indulgences rather than staples of the diet.

Customization and Adaptation: The New Modern Mediterranean Diet Italian Pyramid offers flexibility for individuals to adapt its guidelines to their unique needs, preferences, and dietary requirements. Whether following a vegetarian or omnivorous diet, individuals can tailor the pyramid's principles to suit their lifestyle and cultural preferences.

Conclusion: The New Modern Mediterranean Diet Italian Pyramid serves as a valuable tool for promoting health, longevity, and culinary enjoyment. By embracing its principles and making informed food choices, individuals can cultivate a healthy relationship with food and embark on a journey to better health and well-being.

Here are the detailed components of our weekly menus, either organized by Chef Giuseppe or customized by you using The DIY Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan Builder™ APP!

Please refer to your country's dietary guidelines for recommended portion sizes, such as the Dietary Guidelines for Americans

TAP ON the below bars to view the Mediterranean Diet recommendations portions for a daily diet of 2000 kcal for a healthy adult between the ages of 18 and 65. They indicate food that has been cooked, and removed from its skin, peel, trimmings, and water. To further assist you in achieving and maintaining a healthy BMI, our DIY Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan Builder offers food modifiers for 1500 and 2500 kcal of calories. If you are a different age, pregnant, nursing, or have a medical problem, please speak with your doctor before making any dietary adjustments. Portion sizes in the chart are indicated in grams for solids and milliliters for liquids.

Food every main meal

Include raw and cooked vegetable intake. Fruit juices are not considered a fruit substitute. Cereals and bread intakes should be at least 50% whole grain.

Food every day

Water consumption should be at least 6 glasses per day. 30–50 grams of espresso coffee can be substituted for a regular coffee cup. Breakfast products can include alternating wholegrain and regular cookies, biscuits, breakfast cereal, croissants, and breakfast pastry. Extra virgin olive and vegetable oils are preferred as the main fats for cooking and dressing. Other fats, including cream, can be occasionally used in the suggested quantities and frequencies.

Food every week

Legumes can be consumed in larger amounts for added protein and fiber, 50 g of dry products can be substituted for the fresh ones. Crabs, fish, and shellfish are included in the seafood, whether fresh, frozen, or canned. Rabbit, turkey, and chicken are part of white meats. A medium-sized egg is referred to as "egg intake." Cow, bull, pork, game, and horse are all considered red meat.

Food on occasion

Alcoholic beverages are grouped under the category of occasional food and are for adults only. The maximum indicated portion is 125 ml (1 glass) for wine, 330 ml for beer, 75 ml for vermouths, and 40 ml for sprits.

The Meals for Longevity program is exclusively organized around The New Modern Mediterranean Diet