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The Gut Microbiota Makeover: How the Mediterranean Diet Transforms Your Health

Consumption of the Mediterranean diet is associated with a different microbiota composition compared to Western-type dietary patterns. The microbiota composition associated with MD is characterized by higher microbial biodiversity. This characteristic of gut microbiota is defined as "α-diversity," demonstrating the number of species present in the microbiota and is associated with the health of individuals

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The artificial sweetener erythritol and cardiovascular event risk

This research shows an association between erythritol consumption and cardiovascular disease. The studies included in this analysis also suggest a possible mechanism of action: a prothrombotic effect of erythritol on platelets, possibly at levels of consumption considered safe by the FDA. Providers may consider these findings when counseling patients on weight loss and low-calorie sweeteners.

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Association of Dietary Patterns with Parkinson’s Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study Based on the United States National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey Database

The odds of Parkinson’s disease decreased by higher Mediterranean diet adherence and increased by higher Western pattern adherence, especially sweets intake in this pattern, suggesting population ≥50 years should adhere to Mediterranean diet pattern and decrease the adherence to Western pattern, reducing the intake of sweets.

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Association Between Consumption of Ultraprocessed Foods and Cognitive Decline

A higher percentage of daily energy consumption of ultraprocessed foods was associated with cognitive decline among adults from an ethnically diverse sample. These findings support current public health recommendations on limiting ultraprocessed food consumption because of their potential harm to cognitive function.

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Dietary Acid Load (DAL), Glycated Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), and Metabolic Syndrome (MeS) Mediate the Association of the Adherence to the Dietary Approaches to Stopping Hypertension (DASH)

Nutrition is one of the most critical factors affecting the development of NAFLD. The different dietary patterns and habits can prevent or, conversely, increase the progression of NAFLD (14, 15). The relationship between dietary patterns and NAFLD has been evaluated in several studies and it has been shown that the Mediterranean diet and Adherence to the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) were inversely associated with NAFLD.

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Adherence to the mediterranean diet in pregnancy and its benefits on maternal-fetal health

The MD is optimal to ensure an adequate supply of nutrients during pregnancy. It provides all the energy and nutrients required to allow fetal growth and development, protecting from the development of obstetric pathologies including complications of childbirth, infections and alteration in fetal growth. The MD diet also can prevent some maternal complications such as diabetes, sleep quality and overweight or obesity.

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